2005-01-01 monthly 8.0 TEXT-LINK-ADS, more revenue from your blogs: 2008

Rabu, 06 Februari 2008

Text Link Ads another alternative beside Adsense

Welcome to Text Link Ads Guide and review.

What is Text Link Ads?
Text Link Ads is an advertising Company over the Internet, their service including advertise the ads and developing the cooperation with every webmaster who wants to be an Publisher to advertise any advertising unit on their website or blogs.

As the publisher of TLA, you have to get at least level 4 of pagerank, and your website or blogs must contain good materials for placing the ads link. TLA will pay a great money for the publisher, as one of the experiences publisher already spoke about his experiences in handling the Text Link Ads product into his website see this report isnaini with text link ads

Isnaini, Publisher from Indonesia told about his experiences in using the Text Link Ads product on his blogs and website. And it makes a great deal on achieving $900 per month from Text Link Ads.
Text Link Ads (TLA) are the text links that you can find on my sidebar under ‘Sponsored Links’, that link to the Advertiser’s site.

Advertisers will find Text Link Ads useful as these are static links without a nofollow and will therefore help them improve their search engine rankings and get them some traffic.

Text Link Ads makes it easy for Advertisers to choose which sites to advertise on by displaying all their publishers by category and ordering them by Alexa ranking and monthly price. Once you select the sites you want to advertise on, just tick the ‘Buy’ checkbox and click ‘Add to cart’.

As a new Advertiser on Text Link Ads you are eligible for $100 in FREE Links.

Publishers will find Text Link Ads useful as unlike other Ads they are just text links and won’t be irritating for their visitors. As a publisher you can choose how many ads you would like to display, and whether they will appear on a single page or sitewide. Be careful on what you choose because this will affect on how much each link on your site will cost. The more Ads you choose to appear, the lesser will be the price per link.

You can choose where to place the links on your site, but remember that certain places can get you more money. You can use the Text Link Ads calculator to see how much a link is worth on your site depending on where you put it and whether you chose to offer a single page or a site wide link. The left side of your page can earn you the most and the link worth decreases as you move to the right side.

Also Text Link Ads are sold at a flat price for a 30 day period. The price won’t fluctuate with your traffic nor will it depend on how many people click or view the Text Links but is based on factors like Alexa Rank and Google PageRank. So your site will have a higher link price if you have good Alexa Rank and Google PageRank.

I recommend everyone to try out Text Link Ads (aff) as it can be a good source of income depending on your sites ranking. New sites may not get accepted into TLA (my friend faced this problem), in that case you will have to improve your rankings.

Text Link Ads has an affiliate program that will pay you $25 for any referred visitor that is accepted into their publisher program and installs the advertising script on their site for seven days. If you refer an advertiser who purchases an advertisement, the referral will appear in your affiliate account within 24 hours. If you decide to sign up as a publisher, use this link.

If you wish to sign up as an advertiser or wish to buy a link on my blog, you can do so here. A text link ad on this blog costs $160 a month, but this link will give you $100 in FREE Links.

My Experience

In the beginning I was not that satisfied with Text Link Ads as they set my monthly price to $25 but later as my Alexa Rank and Page Rank improved, the link price got set to $160. But as Text Link Ads take 50% of the link price as their fee, I earn just $80.

In February, only 1 advertiser had bought a link on my site for $160, the rest 6 Advertisers bought links before the monthly price had increased. So my February earnings for Text Link Ads was only $91.89 + $25 (referral).

I expected a better earning for this month, but I noticed that this month too old advertisers were buying links on my site for the old price ($25). It would be nice if there was a way to cancel an Advertiser or raise the link price if they wanted to continue advertising.

Another thing I have noticed is that sometimes the advertisers who buy links seem to be a little off topic to what I blog about. For example: Champs Elysees Hotels.

Apart from these problems, Text Link Ads can be a good way to make money online and I recommend you to join it if you have not done so far and is interested in making money from your site.

Try out Text Link Ads and let me know how it works out for you. If you are already using it, I would love to hear how well it’s working for you.


Baca dalam bahasa Indonesia

Kamis, 17 Januari 2008

Gak di Approve Di Adsense?? TLA nawarin yg lebih baik

Selamat datang di Text Link Ads,

Dimana kamu dapat menempatkan iklan kamu di BLOG_BLOG atau Website kamu yang belum bisa menghasilkan uang.
Caranya mudah: kamu tinggal signup dan submit(daftarkan url blog kamu ke Text link ads, bayarannya PPC(Pay per Click) serta CPM(1000 View Impression) bisa 1 -2$, pilihan review juga tidak terlalu berat, yaitu dengan review langsung oleh team TLA, atau jual space langsung ke para advertiser, jadi ada 2 option mudah bagi kamu untuk mendapatkan persetujuan(approval) dari content blog atau website kamu. Jadi jangan terlalu khawatir dengan persetujuan. Daan untuk yg signup pertama bisa dapet modal $ 25, langsung di account kamu, jadi apabila cashout minimum dengan check adalah $50 maka kalian udah otomatis punya modal $25 dan tidak terlalu berat buat nyari sisanya dari penghasilan PPC atau CPM blog kalian

Silahkan tekan gambar bawah untuk signup ke TLA:

MO nyobain yang lain?:
Jangan khawatirkan peringkat Google ranks atau Alexa anda, juga mengenai traffic yang masuk ke blog anda yang penting blog anda mengandung beberapa kalimat berbahasa Inggris dan content yang menjual. coba di dan dapatkan pendapatan yang sama dengan google adsense. silahkan kunjungi sitenya dengan tekan gambar disamping ini:

Tips mendapatkan traffic:

  1. Ciptakan konten atau isi yang sesuai dengan iklan yang akan anda tayangkan,
  2. Cek dulu melalui Traffic web yang paling banyak untuk mengetahui niche(pasar) yang paling banyak dicari orang, salah satunya adalah Ebay. pergi ke ebay pulse, dan lihat 10 urutan daftar produk yang paling dicari oleh konsumen dunia.
  3. Pilih salah satunya yang sesuai dengan ketersediaan iklan di TLA ataupun di Widgetbucks.
  4. Pakai Jasa Wordtracker, untuk mencari keywords sesuai dengan produk yang akan kamu jadikan konten(isi blog/website). Gunakan Page maker untuk menciptakan keyword konten di website kamu. sedangkan untuk blog bisa menggunakan RSS Feed dan sejenisnya untuk mengisi konten blog kamu, Saya lebih senang menggunakan Wordpress karena lebih mudah mengelolanya.
  5. SUBMIT/ DAFTARKAN, url blog kamu ke direktori search engine: Baca daftar URL Submission dibawah.
  6. Giatkan marketing blog kamu di forum-forum, milis-milis ataupun lewat chating di messenger gratis.
  7. Selalu cantumkan url blog kamu di signature(tanda tangan) email ataupun account kamu di forum-forum.
  8. Join dengan Forum-forum besar seperti, Friendster, Yuwie, dll , juga forum dalam negeri. dan aktiflah sehingga anda bisa terkenal di forum tersebut.
  9. Lakukan Link Exchange dengan teman2 kamu sesama blogger.
  10. Daftarkan url blog kamu di sebanyak mungkin Iklan Baris.
  11. Sabarlah menunggu, dan pantang menyerah, dan terus lah mengkampanyekan URL blog kamu.

Daftar link submission direktori:
Search Engine:


Internet Directory:

Sebenarnya tidak ada kata gagal dalam suatu usaha, yang ada hanyalah kurang belajar dan kurang praktek, makanya Praktek... praktek dan... PRAKTEK!!

Saya jadi ingat suatu ayat yang menyebutkan bahwa sesungguhnya dibalik sebuah kesulitan ataupun kesukaran, selalu di dampingi banyak sekali kemudahan......


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